What do you know about dentures? Before answering, remember, that question asked what you “know”, and not what you “think” about dentures. You may not have a lot of accurate dentures facts to use when answering that question, and a Boss Dental Care in Corpus Christi, TX, we encourage all our patients to know as much as possible when considering dentures.
Key Dentures Facts
Dentures are a popular and long trusted form of restorative dentistry. They enable you to begin using your teeth and gums as naturally and normally as possible, and they come as “full” dentures designed to replace a complete set of upper or lower teeth, or as “partials” that replace just a few missing teeth. Now, those are the absolute basic dentures facts, and as your trusted dentist in Corpus Christi, we think you need to know many more.
In addition to the facts just mentioned, you should also know that dentures can be supported by dental implants, making them nearly as functional as a set of natural teeth. They are custom made to your mouth and needs, so any worries about an unnatural smile or uncomfortable fit can be set aside. They are also so well-fitted that you need never worry about slipping and movement.
In addition to these basic facts, remember too that dentures will last for several years before they may need to be replaced, making them an extremely affordable form of restorative dentistry. While the loss of adult teeth is never a happy or all that positive experience, working with our dentures specialist enables you to get a wonderfully functional replacement that will serve you well for years to come.
More Questions About Dentures? Contact Our Dentist Today
Did these dentures facts help to clear up your questions or concerns? If not, feel free to give us a call at our Corpus Christi, TX office at 361-245-5400. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.